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A Beautiful Free project from the fine folks at Free People


January 5th, 2011 / Posted by fp julia / Permalink


saw these adorable little fabric-embellished moleskine journals over on honestly…wtf and they’ve been hanging around in the back of my mind ever since! any crafts that involve taking a simple everyday object and personalizing it are always appealing to me – plus i am one of those people who does not go anywhere without a journal to jot down notes, song lyrics, doodles, and yes, even blog ideas. i love the little moleskines because they’re nice and small and can fit in any bag, or in my pocket.


what you need:
moleskine journal of whatever size you desire, fabric, scissors, a needle and thread.

i’m going to go off on a tangent for a moment and say that one ofmy favorite place in our building is our visual display team’s workroom. they have everything you could possibly ever need for crafting! and yes i know how lucky i am that they lend me supplies for some of my projects :)





these beautiful scraps of fabric are from antique quilts our team finds in india… you may recognize them from many of our store displays! it’s nearly impossible to pick one because they’re all so special but the rich cerulean blue of one really stuck out to me.



cut the fabric to your desired shape. honestly…wtf recommends gluing the fabric to the journal first so it doesn’t move around, and then sewing with a sewing machine. while that would be much easier, i did it by hand, without any glue, and it worked just fine – and here’s my cute little journal!


i have a feeling this is going to become a regular thing now…